Benefits for your Business
The ITOA is the representative association for the inbound tour operator sector in Ireland recognised by all of the state tourism bodies and Government departments. As a member of ITOA you will have access to a wide range of benefits that support the development of your business.
The Association promotes the interests of its members and highlights the importance and value of the incoming tour operators and the international travel trade distribution channel. The activities undertaken by ITOA for its members include:
- Promoting the value of the sector’s distribution channel with key stake holders and the tourism industry, including the annual membership business survey in which all members must participate.
- Providing support to members and a quarterly networking platform to share common issues and opportunities.
- Offering ongoing advice and industry relevant information to members.
- Organising three annual workshops to facilitate Irish tourism enterprises networking opportunities for its members. These events take place in March for Republic of Ireland tourism businesses and November for Northern Ireland tourism businesses annually and are a key feature of the tourism industry promotional calendar, where Irish tourism suppliers have the opportunity to meet and contract with ITOA members.
- Identifying and securing marketing support funding for overseas sales and marketing.
- Developing members’ brand presence through listing on the ITOA website and annual membership catalogue. ITOA members are also the recognised inbound operators of the state tourism agencies.
- Access to training support through as deemed necessary and appropriate by the membership.
- The monitoring of new or impending legislation which affects the sector.
- Lobbying and influencing the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport, state agencies and tourism representative organisations on issues as defined by the Association’s executive.
- Active membership of the ITIC (Irish Tourism Industry Confederation).
- Representation on Industry Boards and Panels. ITOA is represented on all of the major industry boards and panels and are regularly called upon to sit on industry oversight sub-groups. These include ITIC, Failte Ireland, Tourism Ireland, the Tourism Leadership Group, Failte Ireland Business Tourism Forum & Working Group, The Export Trade Council, Tourism Ireland Central Marketing Partnership groups and its sub groups in-market and the Cultural Tourism Liaison Group.