Registration is Now Open
Book your Place for ITOA Workshops 2025
Limerick Workshop, Fitzgerald Woodlands House Hotel & Spa, February 25th, 2025
Dublin Workshop, Castleknock Hotel, Dublin , March 04th, 2025
Click Here to BOOK NOW
The annual ITOA Workshops are amongst the most important fixtures in Irish Tourism’s Travel Trade events calendar. These events provide unique opportunities to meet and contract with Ireland’s largest and leading Tour Operators/Handling Agents and DMCs. ITOA member businesses package leisure and business tourism, promoting every element of Ireland’s tourism Industry globally. Over 450 tourism businesses attend our workshops in Limerick and Dublin annually, making it the largest trade and industry event after Meitheal in Ireland.
Why Attend These Workshops?
ITOA Workshops uniquely provide the opportunity to meet and network with ITOA members in one location, on one day to strengthen existing relations, meet new people and businesses as well as explore new business opportunities to win more overseas visitors. And ITOA members have a strong track record of delivering as they are:
- Tour Operators & DMC’s who sell packaged holiday and business tourism programmes to over 4,000 global travel trade partners and customers.
- Who in 2023 delivered over 734,000 overseas holiday and business visitors to Ireland.
- Who spend €623 Million in the Irish tourism and wider economy.
- Delivering more sustainable business:
- International visitors who stay longer, spend more and visit more regions across every part of the island.
- Packaged inclusive holiday, business and independent programmes with groups escorted by experienced guides. This ensures that a wider variety of visitor experiences, activity, transport providers and entertainment venues are supported by ITOA members.
- 76% of ITOA members business are groups that use coach transport which is 54% more carbon efficient than other modes of on-island travel options
- Partnering with Irish inbound Tourism businesses whose sole focus is on attracting international visitors, will extend your company’s reach to overseas markets.
When surveyed after this year’s Workshops, attendees rated this event as being the most important trade engagement event in their annual promotion calendar for the following reasons:
- Ease of access to meeting all ITOA members in one day and in one location
- Opportunity to reconnect with existing contacts in ITOA members companies as well as meeting new contacts to build new relationships and business opportunities
- Bed down business for this season and start contracting for future year
- A chance to reconnect with other tourism businesses and colleagues
- Learn more about the travel trade and gain insights and overseas market intelligence from ITOA members
- Get up to date information on how the season is likely to perform from the overseas markets
ITOA Workshop Dates 2025
West Coast – Fitzgerald Woodlands House Hotel & Spa Workshop – Tuesday 25th February 2025
East Coast – Castleknock Hotel, Dublin Workshop – 4th March 2025
- Open Meeting Sessions : 8 minute appointments
- ITOA member representatives will be seated with delegates moving freely to meetings.
- Including networking lunch and rolling refreshments throughout the day
- Two Sessions at each Workshop
- Morning from 08.30 – 12 noon – Registration opens from 07.45 am at the event
- OR Afternoon from 13.30 – 17:00 – Registration opens from 11.30 am
- Including networking lunch 12:05pm – 13:15pm
- Refreshments served throughout the morning and afternoon session
Online registration is now open. Click here to book
As spaces are limited at each Workshop, a maximum of two representatives from any one company is permitted.
Workshop Fee:
The fee for our attending our ITOA workshop 2025 is €325 per attendee plus VAT @ 23%. until the capacity of each workshop is reached and no later than one week in advance of each event.
Please note that payment is required at the time of registration. Payment is accepted using VISA and MASTERCARD credit and debit cards. Please note in compliance with 3DS2 legislation a card authentication code will be required to complete payment which is generally forwarded electronically/texted to the card owner or via your banking app.
ITOA will continue to communicate with registered delegates by email once registration is complete and in advance of the events to assist in preparation for the events nearer the dates. So please be sure to look out for our email communications following registration from and all queries should be forwarded to these dates also. If you wish to be included on our Workshop database for notifications use the sign up for Notifications here in the right hand column.
Registration is Now Open
Book your Place for ITOA Workshops 2025
Limerick Workshop, Fitzgerald Woodlands House Hotel & Spa, February 25th, 2025
Dublin Workshop, Castleknock Hotel, Dublin , March 04th, 2025
Click Here to BOOK NOW